Skärgårdens dag

At Södra Hamnplan June 15 2024

English program Skärgårdens dag

A day for the whole family with focus on Luleås beautiful archipelago. Step on board big and small boats, let your children try all free activities, take a short cruise to the island Gåsjälören and much more.

June 15 between 11am and 4pm at Södra hamnplan in Luleå city.

11am-4pm: We treat all children to cotton candy, popcorn, slush, flags, bouncy castle and face painting.

11am-4pm: Welcome on board any of the boats in port.

11am-4pm: Visit the island Gråsjälören with the boat Biffen, which takes smaller groups to the central archipelago gem. Roundtrip for SEK 45/person. On the island you can buy waffles and drinks. The boat runs continuously throughout the day.

11am-4pm: Polar diving club shows off diving. You can also try breathing underwater and ask about everything from scuba diving to free diving.

11am-4pm: Try archery tag and participate in Explore Luleå's competition. Here you will also learn how to make knots and can win a gift card for the high rope course in Karlsvik.

11am-16pm: Try kayaking with Friluftsfrämjandet and beach volleyball with Lule Volley.

11am-12: Meet the Hatter from Luleå Stassteater's performance Alice in Wonderland.

11.30am-14.30pm: Water Wars - Challenge each other when you shoot water balloons with a giant slingshot.

At 12: Luleå Big Band Beyond the Sea plays boat songs.

At 12: Family theater. Follow the ship rats on a musical sea adventure aboard the M/S Laponia. From 3 years, limited number of places.

At 12: Friluftsfrämjandet shows comrade rescue with a kayak.

At 1:00 pm: Friluftsfrämjandet shows comrade rescue with a kayak.

At 1.30 pm: The big water fight. All against all, use our water balloons or bring something that sprays water from home. Who stays dry the longest?

At 1:30 pm: Family theater. Follow the ship rats on a musical sea adventure aboard the M/S Laponia. From 3 years, limited number of places.

At 2 pm: Friluftsfrämjandet shows comrade rescue with a kayak.

At 3:00 pm: Family theater. Follow the ship rats on a musical sea adventure aboard the M/S Laponia. From 3 years, limited number of places.

Project Malmporten - Port of Luleå and the Swedish Maritime Administration - Informs about their joint projects which, among other things, concerns the dredging of Luleå's waterways and the construction of a new deep harbour

Luleå Municipality - Welcome aboard the workboat Nord

Luleå Tourist Center - Compete and talk about the archipelago and Luleå's attractions

Bottenvikens skärgård kommunsamverkan - Competition and information

Coast Guard - Participating with one of their ships

Sjöräddningssällskapet - Bring three of their boats and talks about the association activities

Laponia shipping company - Welcome aboard the boats M/S Symfoni, Lansen, Labyrinth and Viggen

Biffen - The boat Biffen is at the quay and shuttles smaller groups out to the island of Gråsjälören

Dykarklubben Polar - Shows its rib boat and diving equipment and has diving demonstrations

Nordmark Fiske - Comes to the quay with their fishing boat and sells sturgeon, roe and has a fishing pond for children

Friluftsfrämjandet - Try kayaking, informs about kayaking in the Luleå archipelago and nature adventures

The Swedish Maritime Administration - Displays its pilot boat, informs about its activities and has a small pool where children can compete by "rescuing the fisherman"

TAFF - Offers slush, cotton candy, popcorn, water wars and bouncy castles

FAB Allmogebåtar - Is in place with the archipelago cruiser Madelon, built in 1919

ARKS - Showing off their kayaks and surf skis. You can also book a time for trial paddling.

Cherika Afro Exotic - Sells African food like chicken wings, grilled fish, stews. Lactose-free, gluten-free and vegan options are available

AB H Dahlen - Food truck with smashed burgers and salmon burgers

Hertsö Bagarstugeförening - Sells home-made flat bread

Luleå Skärgårdsförening - Sells mugs and informs about the association

Lions Club Luleå - Sells waffles on the island Gråsjälören, informs about their association, has a quiz and fishing game for kids

Luleå Segelsällskap - Showing Optimist dinghy

Bast Sauna - Showing off their sauna tents

Even Luleå - Sale of outdoor clothing

Lindroths Motorcenter - Display of boats, ATVs, jet skis, motorcycles and trailers

Lule Volley - Try beach volleyball

Willy Wadd - Makes cotton candy art

Text and photo during Skärgårdens dag

Södra Hamnplan will be documented with photos and film during the event. Movies and images from the event may be used for the purpose of informing about the activities and marketing Skärgårdens dag or the location Luleå on behalf of Luleå municipality.

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